Ignite is an inviting, safe place for children ages newborn through 3rd grade to learn about God's love for them. 

Our nursery (birth- age 3) is open during the entire service. Parents are welcome to drop their kids off before the worship music begins or anytime during service. 

Children ages 3-5th grade, will begin in the Worship Center and then will be dismissed to their classrooms shortly after the first music set. 

Classrooms: Little Kids (3-6-year-olds) Big Kids (1st-3rd grades) will gather for a story, Bible verse review, games, and other activities related to our curriculum lesson through The Gospel Project. 

Our goal is to make each child feel safe, cared for, and loved by Jesus! 


Spark Student Ministries


Spark Students: 4th & 5th grades will meet in the FUSE Box during the sermon for their own teaching time. They will follow the Gospel Project curriculum we have been using in Ignite. 


FUSE Student Ministries

FUSE meets Sunday nights from 6:30-8 PM. Doors open at 6 PM.

FUSE is for students 6th-12th grades to build Christ-centered relationships and dive into God's plans for their lives. Each night includes relevant worship and teaching, games and small groups that target students and the issues they face everyday.


Young Adult Community

Meets every Wednesday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the Fuse Box. This group is for you if you're in your 18s or early 20s. Ethan Porter is leading the group.


Men's Ministry

Men's ministry is a means to help men build relationships in Christ and dive deeper into God's word. Through joint strength and learning from one another, we are able to become better leaders, husbands, and fathers. 

Check out our Events page to learn more. Or contact Jeff Hicks, for more information.


Women's Ministry

Women have a unique opportunity to minister to each other and create an environment of strength, encouragement, and dependence on God. This is our hope at SonLight with the Women's Ministry through Bible studies, Ladies' Prayer Group, activities and time spent that glorifies God.


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SonLight Community Church

455 N Gerald Lett Ave
Angola, IN 46703
